fuel saving devices
source: ok-host
the related information on fuel saving devices that can help us in order to save our money and also the environment. Discover the tips on fuel saving devices and learn more on biodiesel as an alternative to a fuel. Get in tune for saving money with fuel saving devices
Detailed Selling Lead Description
works by adding a small amount of a mixed hydrogen/oxygen gas, called "BrownsGas", into the vehicles fuel system. This enriched mixture of hydrogen, oxygen and gasoline is bonded together molecularly and magnetically.The combined fuel results in better fuel economy and an increase in kilometres per liter. Usually this increase is in the range of 20%-100%.
Improved mileage is not the only benefit resulting from use of the H2OCAR Kit.Other benefits may include:
1. A noticeable increase in engine power. Less pressure is needed on the accelerator pedal, to get the vehicle up to speed.2.The new fuel mixture burns cleaner, burns more completely and burns more efficiently. It cleans up carbon deposits in the engine and prevents future carbon build up.
3. Exhaust emissions harmful to the enviroment are greatly reduced.
4. The combustions chamber temperature drops slightly, contributing to better fuel combustion and a quicker flame spread ratio.
TheH2OCAR Kit uses electricity to separate the hydrogen and oxygen found in water. The separated hydrogen and oxygen are mixed with gasoline and outside air.
The "mixed" gas is drawn into the engine using vaccumpressure or air pressure, in the case of a diesel application, where itis mixed the gasoline or diesel fuel and ignited by the spark plugs.
This gas differs substantially from ordinary hydrogen gas.
This has been documented in a recet US Patent Application Nbr.(13.4.2006) by D.J.Klein & R.M.Santilli.This process will make about 1866 liter of hydrogen/oxygen gas from 1 liter of water.
Mixing this gas is very simple, effective and safe process.It makes previous concerns about safety all but irrelevant.
We are confident that the introduction of systems of this type, will advance the cause of energy dependence.The H2OCAR Fuel Saving Device makes "hydrogen-on-demand and "hydrogen-on-board" systems practical right now.Please note that you cannot obtain a patent for this device, or for anothersimilar device, as all information concerning it's construction andprincipals of operation are currently in Public Domain and have been published in forums on Internet.
However, when using hydrogen, common sense requires the same precautions be taken, that one would use withe gasoline!
Magnetic fuel saver (fuel saving devices)
Magnetic Fuel Saver (Magnetic conditioners) is a perfect and amazing type of magnetic assembly for automotive.
Magnetic Fuel Saver is designed to condition the fuel prior to combustion to increase power output, save fuel,
and reduce emissions.
1) Powermag: Magnetic Fuel Saver can help engine to burn fuel more efficiently
2) Powermag: Magnetic Fuel Saver let your car run more miles per gallon
3) Powermag: Magnetic Fuel Saver will improve engine performance
4) Powermag: Magnetic Fuel Saver will reduce emissions
5) Powermag: Magnetic Fuel Saver will clean air
Magnetic Fuel Saver (Magnetic Fuel Conditioner) increase combustion efficiency for a cleaner burning engine.
This reduces harmful emissions while increasing engine performance.
Magnetic fuel saver (fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
The LIGHTNING VGS-3 fuel saver utilizes the latest in microprocessor design and IC manufacturing processes. It is a programmable electronic device that integrates with the vehicle engine control unit. The current fuel saving device technologies incorporate physical and chemical design parameters to alter fuel consumption. The LIGHTNING VGS-3 revolutionizes fuel saving technology by working with modern engine management systems and conditioning the electronic signals necessary for achieving fuel efficiency.
source: savings-gas
(fuel saving devices)
Product Description
The impellor of the Force Flow Turbine spins with the engines speed generating a maximum force to create a more powerful airflow into the combustion chamber. The increased airflow into the combustion chamber results in better atomized burning of fuel, increase in Horse Power and saving on fuel. Compare our system to other fuel savers on the market. Ours atomises and pressurises airflow by a dynamic quality ball bearing type spinning impellor, it is not a cheap fancy folded piece of sheet aluminuim that doesn't spin!
About Force Flow Fuel Saver:
Boosts engine horsepower and torque.
Extremely safe and economical.
Easy installation.
Reduction in waste gases, reducing pollution.
Cheaper and more effective than other static type fuel savers.
Fits to 99% of car intake systems (77mm/3 inch), comes with
Adapter rings for larger intakes.
Reduces fuel usage by between 11% and 27%.
With todays Out Of Control fuel prices, how could you afford not to have a fuel saver device installed?
Installation is as simple as this!
Remove air inlet hose located between air filter and throttle.
Install Turbine Fuel saver inside the air inlet hose.
If the Force Flow Turbine unit is smaller than your cars air inlet hose,
Use the rubber ring attached to the size of air inlet hose then place in.
Replace air intake pipe.
source: http://www.made-in-china.com
Economizer Fuel Saving Handheld Programmer. Increases your vehicle's Fuel Economy up to 10%! The SCT Economizer Handheld Programmer arrives pre-loaded with tune files specifically calibrated to Increase your vehicle's Fuel Economy by up to 10%! The SCT Economizer features easy to use Menu Screens, a HUGE Back-lit display and can even Read & Clear Diagnostic Trouble Codes. The SCT Economizer features a large Back-Lit LCD screen for easy viewing, day or night. Programming your vehicle is as easy as 1-2-3 using the step by step menu screens! Using the SCT Economizer, you can now Read, Clear & Diagnose Trouble Codes without the expensive diagnostic fees charged by dealerships or your local garage.
source: http://northamericantuning.com
fuel saving devices
With the implementation of EVAT and the continued rise of oil prices in the international market, motorists continue to find ways to save on fuel expense, either by using their car less or making their car more efficient.
Magtune Evolution is basically a super magnet developed by Japanese technology purposely to improve fuel combustion for a smoother and economical drive. *Octane number decreases with increasing chain length or ring size of hydrocarbons but increases with chain branching.* Applying this principle, Magtune uses Neodymium super magnet to enhance hydrocarbon branching and to increase octane number which will result to a more efficient fuel combustion and reduced knock. This is the reason why using Magtune increases fuel efficiency and power.
source: http://www.densoservice-phil.com/magtune_evolution.php
fuel saving devices
REVETRON is committed to provide our clients a chance to save money and our environment thru revolutionary products from Khaos, a Filipino invention recognized around the globe.
2003 Presidential Award for Most Outstanding Invention
1976 FIRST PLACE in Gas Saving Devises
Invitation to Frankfurt, Germany Car Show
Invitation to Asia's Largest Car Show in Taipei
source: http://revetron.com/pb/wp_69d84cf0/wp_69d84cf0.html
An Ontario-based company with international sales of a fuel-saving device is poised to enter the western Canadian market. The Tadger Group International, which claims its unique product attached to a vehicle's fuel line saves both on costs and emissions, has been selling the device in the United States, China, Europe, South Africa, and Mexico.
"We stayed predominantly in the early years in Ontario -- that was to build up case studies," said John Mogford, president of the Tadger Group International in Grimsby, Ont. "To date, we have over 60 client case studies. We did that for a credibility factor and now we're starting to expand.
"We're excited to be out West and expanding there."
The product is known as the Tadger. The company says it is a patented means to allow the fuel on any gas or diesel engine to burn more efficiently. It says besides fuel savings and reduced emissions, the device also extends the oil life in a vehicle. Mogford said the company has about 600 clients, from trucking firms to public transit systems, across the country. "When you think about it, emissions and fuel go hand in hand," said Mogford. "When we reduce people's emissions, now they're also getting the payback on the fuel savings."
There are many other fuel-saving devices in the marketplace. Earl Turcott, manager with the Miller Group -- a diversified company involved in construction road building, transit operations, and waste management -- based out of Markham, Ont., said it tested the Tadger on about six of its trucks. "The results looked good. We're pretty pleased with the results," said Turcott.
Asked whether his firm will now use the device, Turcott replied: "We're just working on that now. We haven't made any decisions yet."
Peter Chatoff, assistant manager of operations for York Region Transit, said buses there have also tested the gadget and decisions on its future use will be made in the near future.
"My gut feeling is that . . . all things being equal, if you're making better combustion you should be getting better economy," said Chatoff.
"We started it in late 2002 on a couple of vehicles. And we did some tests. . . . In Ontario, you have to do an emission test every year on a bus when you get your licence. We've just gotten some used buses in. They've passed to get their licences.
"We've had the unit on three or four buses on a limited test, but when we re-licence at Christmas time for the new year, we'll have a little more quantitative numbers. . . . Your older buses are your dirtiest buses. The best bang for your buck is to reduce the emissions of old buses, which people are more cognizant of. If we retire an old bus with the unit, you can always take it off."
The Tadger Group says the device generates a controlled turbulence (swirl) in the fuel which improves volatility and atomization by increasing the surface area of the fuel that is exposed to the oxygen in the air. "Simply stated, combustion efficiency is enhanced by more completely vapourizing and burning the fuel," states the company in a brochure about the product. "Usually fuel will collect, unburned and wasted, in places such as the cylinder walls, the interior of the intake manifold, and gaps between the piston and cylinder wall above the top piston ring. "This 'clean burn' effect also helps detergents in the oil and fuel remove and prevent carbon buildup, cut stack soot, black smoke and toxic emissions."
Joe Collins, who is representing the company here in Calgary, said the device is installed on a vehicle's fuel line. It costs $749 to be installed on a truck and $249 to be installed in a car.
"But if you look at the savings, the average payback is two months in a truck. In a car, it depends how many miles are driven. . . . Some of the savings are enormous," said Collins, who has been in discussions recently with two major trucking companies in Calgary and two organizations within Calgary.
source: http://www.tadgerfuelsaver.com/newsandtestimonials
fuel saving devices
fuel saving devices
Magnetic Fuel Saver (Magnetic conditioners) is a perfect and amazing type of magnetic assembly for automotive. Magnetic Fuel Saver is designed to condition the fuel prior to combustion to increase power output, save fuel, and reduce emissions.
1)Magnetic Fuel Saver can help engine to burn fuel more efficiently
2) Magnetic Fuel Saver let your car run more miles per gallon
3) Magnetic Fuel Saver will improve engine performance
4) Magnetic Fuel Saver will reduce emissions
5) Magnetic Fuel Saver will clean air
Magnetic Fuel Saver (Magnetic Fuel Conditioner) gadgets increase combustion efficiency for a cleaner burning engine. This reduces harmful emissions while increasing engine performance.
Enjoy these benefits of Magnetic Fuel Saver (Magnetic Fuel Conditioner)
1) Save fuel, save money, more miles per gallon
2) It can save 10% ~22% fuel
3) 50% reduction of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons
4) Helps pass emission testing
5) High octane performance with lower octane fuel
6) Improved performance - quicker starts
7) Stops scale build-up and corrosion in engine
8) Reduced wear on O2 sensor and catalytic converter
source: http://www.cndailymag.com/magnetic-fuel-saver.htm
Other fuel saving devices either attaches to the fuel line to improve fuel vaporization or some attaches to the intake manifold and simulates a turbo charger.
Our gas saver plus is also attached to the intake manifold but because it contains a turbine and a catalyst inside the stainless steel casing does the following:
Fuel saving devices
Since the development of the internal combustion engine, people have looked for ways to increase its efficiency, in order to increase the fuel economy of the automobile.
Although many technologies have had a beneficial effect on vehicles' fuel economies, claims as to the efficacy of some devices have clearly been bogus or misleading.
An early example of a "fuel saving gadget" sold with claims that were difficult to justify is the 200 mpg carburettor designed by Canadian inventor Charles Nelson Pogue.
A good thing to keep in mind when examining fuel saving devices is that most of these claim major increases in combustion efficiency, something that sounds attractive when you consider the average gasoline engine rarely exceeds 35% efficiency. However, the weak point of the engine is not converting the fuel into heat, but the heat into mechanical energy, hence the reason why many fuel saving devices don't work as claimed. On modern engines there is relatively little scope for improving combustion efficiency. Most of what can be legitimately achieved is done by reducing parasitic losses of accessories e.g. fans, water pump, and pumping losses by taller vehicle gearing.
One reason that ineffective fuel saving gadgets have had some success in the marketplace is that it is surprisingly difficult to measure the fuel economy of a vehicle. This is because of the high level of variance in the fuel economy of a vehicle under normal driving conditions. Consequently, it is extremely difficult to measure small changes to fuel economy.
The large degree of fuel economy variance means that due to psychological factors of selective perception, consumers can be mislead as to the effectiveness of a device.
For this reason, regulatory bodies have developed standardised drive cycles that are useful for statistically significant comparisons of fuel economy.
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_saving_devices
Fuel saving devices
fuel saving devices
source: http://www.fuel-saving-solutions.com/gas-saving-devices.html
fuel saving devices
fuel saving devices
source: http://www.aa1car.com/library/gas805.htm
As I write this article, the price of regular grade 87 octane gasoline is between $4.19 and $4.25 a gallon in the metro Chicago area. The huge jump in fuel prices is hitting motorists hard and people are looking for ways to reduce their fuel costs. Some are trading in their big gas-guzzling SUVs for smaller vehicles. More people are using public transportation and car pooling (both of which are almost as painful as paying more at the pump). And some are falling victim to con artists who sell gas saving gizmos that promise huge fuel savings.
As PT Barnum once said, "There's a sucker born every minute." So don't fall for the con artists lies. Forget the gas saving gizmos because none of them work!
Every gas saving gadget I've seen to date does absolutely NOTHING to improve fuel economy. In fact, some of them actually reduce fuel economy.
Products that claim to magnetize or polarize gasoline molecules, or realign the molecular structure of the fuel for more efficient combustion (cow magnets and similar gadgets), or devices that claim to ionize the spark for better mileage are pure nonsense and are based on false science. Such devices have been tested repeatedly by the EPA and independent test labs, and every test found ZERO change in fuel economy.
What about devices that swirl air entering the throttle body and "supercharge" your engine? These devices are installed in the air inlet system and have a blade that supposedly swirls the incoming air to improve fuel atomization for more efficient combustion. Baloney. Several car magazines have tested these devices and found they actually REDUCE horsepower and fuel economy by creating a restriction in the air intake system.
What about the infamous 200 mpg carburetor? By vaporizing the fuel, this carburetor is claimed to deliver 200 plus miles per gallon on any engine. Pure urban legend. Check it out on Snopes. Actually, direct fuel injection vaporizes the fuel as it enters the combustion chamber, delivering 15 to 20% better fuel economy over ordinary electronic fuel injection. But you can only get it on a few engines. More new engines will have this system as time goes on.
What about running your car on hydrogen gas? The "HHO Hydrogen Generator" devices that are being peddled on the internet that convert water into hydrogen gas with electricity can't produce enough hydrogen gas to run a lawn mower engine, let alone an automobile engine. The little bit of hydrogen that fizzles out of these things won't make any difference on your mileage either, though the promoters of these mileage saving devices claim dramatic improvements in fuel economy. They claim the hydrogen "supplements" the fuel supply so your engine doesn't need as much gas. It seems logical, but the volume of hydrogen produced by these devices is so small that it has little or no measurable effect on fuel economy.
One gas saving gadget that can improve fuel economy is a simple vacuum gauge. The gauge displays intake vacuum, which is an indication of how much load is on the engine. The lower the vacuum reading, the higher the load on the engine and the more fuel it burns.
The gauge saves gas by helping the driver see the effect his right foot has on fuel consumption. Tromp down on the gas pedal and intake vacuum drops and fuel consumption goes up. Take it easy on the gas pedal and accelerate slowly causes less of a drop in intake vacuum and less fuel usage. Duh!
A more hi-tech version is a fuel economy meter that plugs into the OBD II diagnostic connector on 1996 or newer vehicles. The unit displays instantaneous fuel mileage and cumulative fuel mileage like a trip computer on on a vehicle equipped with this option.
Back in the days when carburetors were used to feed gasoline into the engine, there were a couple of tricks that could improve fuel economy a bit, especially when the engine was cold. One was a simple honeycomb spacer that fit under the carburetor. The turbulence created by the honeycomb helped break up the fuel a bit. Another was an ultrasonic vibrator that mounted under the carburetor. The vibrator also improved fuel atomization slightly -- but only provided a marginal benefit when the engine was cold.
Some engines from that period used an electrically heated grid under the carburetor to improve fuel atomization following a cold start. But like the other devices, the benefit disappeared once the engine reached normal operating temperature.
Today's fuel injected engines atomize the fuel when they spray the fuel into the engine. They don't need intake manifold heaters or other such devices. The most efficient designs are the new high pressure "direct injection" systems that VW uses on some of its engines.
Control fuel consumption and harmful tailpipe emissions on all vehicle and engine types by fitting Prozone Fuelsaver magnetic fuel saver, designed to cut fuel costs, boost engine power and reduce toxic exhaust emissions.
![]() | Save fuel - Save money - Reduce emissions of CO, NOx, VOCs |
![]() | Better engine performance |
![]() | Smoother running, cleaner injectors, valves & cylinders |
![]() | Prozone Fuelsaver for superior fuel & pollution control |
![]() | Pays for itself within 4-6 months |
![]() | Easy to install and maintenance-free |
Prozone = pro-ozone = ozone-friendly Prozone Fuelsaver fuel saving device is suitable for all vehicles with internal combustion engines using gasoline (petrol) or diesel fuel. It can also be used with two-stroke engines. Prozone Fuelsaver magnetic fuel saving device can be fitted to vehicles already in use, and to new vehicles. All Prozone Fuelsaver magnetic fuel saver devices come pre-fitted with connectors to enable them to be inserted easily into the fuel line. Full fitting instructions are included. Fitting is simple, and can be carried out within one hour either at your local service station or by a competent handyman. source: http://www.fuelsaver.co.uk/products.htmlfuel saving devices |
*Clean exhaust emissions
*Enhance engine performance
*Increase power
*20 - 30% fuel saving on city driving
*Up to 70% fuel saving on highway / long driving
*Smoother running engine
*Reduces radiator heat build up
*Works for booth gasoline and diesel engines
*Does not alter air and fuel ratio
*No adjustment needed
*Zero maintenance
*Applicable to car, bus, truck, marine engine
*No moving parts of engine
source: http://www.alibaba.com/catalog/
Universal Fuel Saver
Tried, Tested and Proven Technology. This product is suitable for any type of Car, Van, Boat, Bus or Generator. It is equally effective for unleaded, leaded, diesel and LPG fuel. The fuel saver utilises a special 3 tier technology to improve the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. They can be easily installed in minutes without any changes or modifications to the fuel pipe or engine.WHY SHOULD YOU BUY ONE?
The construction of the fuel saver is based on the most up-to-date information on the treatment of fossil fuels by magnetic fields and detailed tests are regulary conducted in co-operation with various interested parties. Only the best materials and the most efficient and user-friendly design has been choosen for this product. |
2. Using a fuel reformulator
After millions of miles of road tests around the world, there can be no doubt that using a fuel reformulator will reward you with better fuel economy resulting in cheaper diesel fuel costs.
These reformulators, like Ethos FR, should not be confused with 'fuel additives' - the type sold in automotive retailers. These are alcohol or gasoline based products that actually increase your fuel costs because of the quantity you need to add to each tank.
The main reason for treating diesel is to provide better lubrication, to ensure all the desired working parts of the engine are lubricated, running smoothly. Many drivers don't realise that since low sulfur fuel was able to be used on road vehicles, the life expectancy of the fuel injection system has dropped by up to 25%.
The lubricating and cleaning esters in this fuel reformulator are show-stopping technology in action. Its use results in fuel burning more completely , and gives an appreciable net gain in mileage per gallon - meaning cheaper diesel costs overall.
( fuel saving devices)
1. It can vary from shipment to shipment
Even if you use the same vendor each time you fill up with diesel, there can be changes in the fuel they are providing. The diesel quality can change, even in a small way, with each shipment your vendor receives. The key variables are:
* Cetane: this is the level at which the fuel will self ignite, with acceptable levels being between 40 and 45. Because the levels can change with every delivery, the are not widely known. The starting and combustion roughness of your engin can be affected by the cetane level.
* The specific gravity or 'weight' of the diesel affects the fuel's heat content. Lighter fuels (Type 1) have a lower cloud point and is generally regarded as better in colder temperatures. The heavier diesel (Type 2) has good lubricating qualities, and if they are both the same price, the heavier fuel generally gives better fuel economy.
* The viscosity of the fuel governs the efficiency at which fuel travels through the high pressure parts of the injection pump. Type 1 will reduce your fuel economy because it tends to have more fuel leakage.
Purchasing your diesel from truck stops is generally regarded as the best way to ensure you are buying a quality product. These retailers would go out of business fast if they began to supply inferior fuel.
( fuel saving devices)
fuel saving devices
Finding a way to give better fuel economy can mean real savings for fleet operators and trucking companies. The science behind the effectiveness of fuel reformulators is hard to ignore. fuel saving devices
To be able to appeciate how it is possible to get improved fuel economy from a diesel engine, its a good idea to go back to basics to understand a little more about diesel and how it works. fuel saving devices
By doing this it is easy to see how cost savings can be made and how a better fuel consumption rate (miles per gallon, or mpg) will give you an overall cheaper diesel fuel cost. fuel saving devices
One of the very important points to acknoweldge is that a well maintained, smooth running engine is about the most important factor in achieving better fuel economy. Further, many of the problems that occur with diesel engines relate to fuel quality, which can occur in several ways.
fuel saving devices
fuel saving devices
A lot of people are in favor for a water fuel car as it will benefit both the people and the environment. (fuel saving devices) These are huge eco-friendly times and the amount of products which now claim to be safer to the environment is proof of the changing needs of today's market. (fuel saving devices) If a product can provide an environmental element to it , it will appeal to a growing target market and the company that provides the first water fuel car is likely to receive a lot of sales and a lot of praise. (fuel saving devices)
The need for a water fuel car has come about due to the downturn in the environment and the onset of climate change. (fuel saving devices) Many people indicate that if we carry on to contribute to the pollution there might be adverse effect in the future. This means that a water fuel car can be a good and easy solution to the problem. (fuel saving devices)
The water fuel car is no longer the dream of tomorrow but a plausible solution to today's problems and when will likely make a huge splash in the market!
(fuel saving devices)
fuel saving devices
There is a need for many consumers and companies to change the way they fuel their transport and the water fuel car may be the solution to a problem that affects so many people around the world.- fuel saving devices
For many people and companies, there is a need to save fuel in their transportation. Water fuel cars many be the right answer to the problem that has affect many people. Our world is currently with multiple issues right in the midst of these issues are the pricing of fuel.- fuel saving devices
A water fuel car would set about righting the wrongs of the current price levels of fuel. As mentioned, the potential financial crisis been repeated in newspapers and with TV sending message about credit problems. Yet we are face with increasing fuel cost. As many people need their car as a necessity rather than a luxury, they have no option but to pay the rising costs of fuel and have to forgo on other matters.- fuel saving devices
The introduction of a water fuel car would alleviate a lot of the financial worries of people and would create some sense of financial freedom for a great number of people. Water fuel cars are not made popular by the general public but if they don't see the benefits, we will lost a system that could very weell help reduce the demand for fuel. - fuel saving devices
For a long time, oil cartels have been controlling the high prices. Water fuel cars will help people to have the freedom to decide and we could see a lower demand for fuel, which can lead to a drop in oil prices.- fuel saving devices
(fuel saving devices)
The next plan of action is to plan how you will be using your car. (fuel saving devices) I know you have been in a situation where you just get home and remember you needed something else. (fuel saving devices) In some cases this simply can't be avoided but in most it can. (fuel saving devices) Here's what you do, on Sunday plan out your week from going to the mall to grocery shopping and make a good list. (fuel saving devices) If you have a solid plan then those "I forgot" trips will be a lot less frequent. (fuel saving devices)
The third thing you want to consider is the proper use of cruise control. (fuel saving devices) When your car is running on cruise control it is working at it's optimum efficiency. (fuel saving devices) When using cruise control you should consult your cars user manual for correct operation. (fuel saving devices) If you keep turning the cruise control on and off you will be mimicking acceleration and braking under standard driving conditions. (fuel saving devices)
The fourth step is to clean out your car of any excess weight. (fuel saving devices) If your like most people, you look at your car like it's an extension of your home. (fuel saving devices) As we continue to add and take away items from the car we begin to leave items over time. Go through your vehicle and clean out everything that is not needed for that day. (fuel saving devices) At the end of everyday, take out what you bring in to keep the weight and clutter down to a minimum.
Finally, you need to focus on driving at a constant speed and accelerate gradually. We need to leave our high school years behind us and drive like responsible adults who don't drive like maniacs. (fuel saving devices) The more work load you put on your engine by aggressively accelerating and braking, the more fuel you are going to burn. (fuel saving devices) I am not saying to drive like your grandmother but just keep notice of the speeds and how you drive from now on. (fuel saving devices)
With the previous 5 super gas saver tips you can begin to see a decrease in how much you spend at the pump. (fuel saving devices) This will not please everyone and for those who aren't, buying a hybrid car may be your answer. (fuel saving devices) Some of us can't afford a hybrid especially in this economy , but there is another solution. (fuel saving devices) Did you know you can turn your car into a hybrid? You can. If you really want to save a ton on gas then this is just what your looking for. (fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
I am sure you have heard the old saying, "There are two things certain in life, death and taxes." Now we can add a third one to that list, rising fuel cost's. (fuel saving devices) The cool thing is, we can do something about the rising fuel cost's. (fuel saving devices) Did you know that you can become a super gas saver by utilizing key gas saving tips? Learn more now... (fuel saving devices)
There are three things now certain in life, death, taxes and rising gas prices. (fuel saving devices) There is something you can do about rising gas prices unlike the other two. (fuel saving devices) Did you know that you can become a super gas saver by utilizing key gas saving tips? (fuel saving devices) Below are five tips you can use to start saving money on gas right away thus giving your wallet a break. (fuel saving devices)
The first thing you want to do is make sure your tires have the correct air pressure in them. (fuel saving devices) This is so simple to do and yet many never take the time. (fuel saving devices) Checking the air pressure is important because it reduces wear and tear and will make your car run more efficiently. (fuel saving devices) The more workload you put on your car the more fuel it will burn.
(fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
As the price per barrel of oil seemingly skyrockets, many people are searching for a way to cut cost's at the pump. Many people are discovering relief in what is known as a gas engine fuel saver. (fuel saving devices) You may have heard it called a different name like hho fuel kit or hydrogen gas saver. The important thing to note here is not the name but the dramatic results these devices can bring about.(fuel saving devices)
As the price per barrel of oil seemingly skyrockets, many people are searching for a way to cut cost's at the pump. (fuel saving devices) Many people are discovering relief in what is known as a gas engine fuel saver. You may have heard it called a different name like hho fuel kit or hydrogen gas saver. (fuel saving devices) The important thing to note here is not the name but the dramatic results these devices can bring about. (fuel saving devices)
You may be wondering just what is a gas engine fuel saver? In a nutshell, it is a type of generator that you install on your car to limit the consumption of gas by your engine. (fuel saving devices) After the fuel saver is installed on your car you notice improved gas mileage, a cleaner burning car and most importantly, savings at the pump. (fuel saving devices) So how exactly do one of these little devices work? Basically, the device produces two gases that are utlilized by your engine. (fuel saving devices)
The basic components needed for this are electricity from your car battery, a small amount of baking soda and some distilled water. (fuel saving devices) The outcome is an engine that is much more efficient than it was before.Now you might be inquiring into how much one of these fuel savers cost? (fuel saving devices) This may shock you, but you can make one of these savers/kits for roughly 70 bucks. (fuel saving devices) Simmer down, this is a drop in the bucket compared to the future savings you will be reaping. (fuel saving devices)
Have you priced a brand new hybrid? Trust me, you don't even want to know.If you really want to save money at the pump, you need to research a gas engine fuel saver. Can you see yourself paying 5, 6, 7 dollars or more for gas? (fuel saving devices) It's coming. With one of these fuel savers you'll be protecting the environment, your pocket book/wallet and improving your cars performance all at the same time. (fuel saving devices) So what's it going to be, save now or later? I would go for the now. (fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
With both of these options for equating the fuel economy is a general idea of how this effects the fuel in the environment as well as how much gas is being used when you drive. (fuel saving devices) Specifically, you will have the capacity to estimate the consumption of fuel that is coming from your vehicle over a specific amount of miles. (fuel saving devices) The more fuel that is consumed, the more likely it is that you will be spending high prices at the gas station and the more emissions you will be putting into the air. (fuel saving devices)
Through the different fuel economy mileage concepts is also regulations and policies that are being built in order to change the way that fuel is burned with each mile. (fuel saving devices)This began in 1978 with the Energy Tax Act. (fuel saving devices)
This was defined in order to stop certain cars from being driven that would eat gas at a higher rate and would stop vehicles from being driven that were not fuel efficient. (fuel saving devices) This has more recently combined with emission testing and EPA testing procedures. (fuel saving devices) Both of these are designed to bring more fuel efficiency as a standard for saving energy through fuel. (fuel saving devices)
With the concept of fuel economy mileage calculations are also new ways to find how the burning of fuel relates to not only your vehicle , but also the larger picture of how this affects the environment. (fuel saving devices) Understanding this particular concept and how it relates to how you burn fuel in your car will allow you to find the best approach and understanding towards becoming more fuel efficient. (fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
Measure how much fuel you are using and what it is costing by evaluating the fuel economy mileage (fuel saving devices)
If you want to measure out how much fuel you should be using and the cost that is related to it, than you can use a specific technique to show exactly where your vehicle stands. (fuel saving devices) One of the measurements used is the fuel economy mileage. (fuel saving devices) This shows you exactly how much money you are spending on your fuel in relation to the mileage that it is receiving through every road you travel. (fuel saving devices) Understanding exactly how to calculate these two together will give you a better estimate towards what you need to keep driving. (fuel saving devices)
Anything that is based around the fuel economy will include specific measurements to move an automobile over a specific distance. (fuel saving devices) In the instance of mileage, the fuel economy that is used is a specific set of measurements that provides information on how much mileage it takes to move a vehicle over a certain distance. (fuel saving devices) This then links to the economic standards that are in place with the amount and cost of fuel, allowing for the most efficient numbers between these three factors to work together. (fuel saving devices)
There are two main ways of approaching the fuel economy in order to measure out specific standards. (fuel saving devices) The first is the amount of fuel that is used per mile. (fuel saving devices) The idea is to calculate how much fuel is used over a specific amount of time, with the lower number also equating to the better rate on the fuel economy. (fuel saving devices) The second way to find the numbers is through the distance that is traveled as related to the fuel that is used. (fuel saving devices) With this, it is the higher numbers that will show you as being more efficient with the fuel economy. (fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
If you are uncertain about how to use your overdrive gears, ask a friend or put in a call to your mechanic for some advice. (fuel saving devices) Although the studies are still inconclusive you might want to consider using gas saving products to save you money at the gas pump. (fuel saving devices) The following products have been tested by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Bleed Devices. (fuel saving devices) These types of devices are designed to bleed air into the carburetor and are generally installed in your vehicle in the Positive Crankcase Ventilation line. (fuel saving devices)
- Fuel Max
- Aquablast Wyman Valve Air Bleed
- Gas Saving Device
- Grancor Air Computer
Vapor Bleed Devices. (fuel saving devices) These devices are related to the air bleed device but in this case induced air is forced through a container that contains a mixture of water and antifreeze. (fuel saving devices) This device is usually installed in the engine compartment.
- Econo-Mist Vacuum Vapor Injection System
- Mark II Vapor Injection System
- Turbo Vapor Injection System
- Atomized Vapor Injector
(fuel saving devices) There is nothing like buying a good vehicle to save your fuel money and low maintenance cost. (fuel saving devices) And there is nothing like to have some useful tips when traveling. Because these things can saves you a lot in the long run.(fuel saving devices) It is always good to keep a good check on the different lids and caps of the car. They can saves you unaccounted amount of gas in the long run. (fuel saving devices)
So the make the best use of your overdrive gears to keep the fuel consumption level low. (fuel saving devices) And always makes sure that you have good knowledge of the gear from your mechanics.(fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
One of the best ways to save fuel money is to buy good and smart vehicles. (fuel saving devices) Something like the hybrid vehicles which consume much lower gas. And always look for your small travel tips to avoid unnecessary troubles on the roads with your car. (fuel saving devices)
Troubled with the unknown gas loss? Check out at your gas cap. (fuel saving devices)
It may be the cause of your gas loss. (fuel saving devices) Are you aware of your overdrive gears? They can be of great help when driving on the highway to improve the fuel consumption. (fuel saving devices)
Consider buying a hybrid vehicle to save on the cost of gasoline. (fuel saving devices)
You may find yourself on a waiting list waiting for the first available hybrid but the wait will be well worth it. (fuel saving devices)
The Toyota Prius is one of the most sought vehicles of the year. (fuel saving devices)
In the coming years the hybrid will become more available and will be more affordable than it is at this point.(fuel saving devices)
One thing to keep in mind when you are traveling with a carrier or a roof rack is that you will be increasing your fuel cost by as much as 5 percent. (fuel saving devices)
Try to reduce the amount of aerodynamic drag and improve your fuel consumption by placing as much as you can in the trunk of your car. (fuel saving devices)
Another thing to keep in mind is that when you are carrying heavy objects in your vehicle you reduce your fuel economy by as much as 1 to 2 percent. (fuel saving devices)
If you are going to be doing some heavy hauling you might find it to your benefit to hire a truck or borrow one from a friend so that you can reduces the wear and tear on your car as well as keep down your fuel costs.(fuel saving devices)
It may seem like a small thing to do, but tightening the gas cap on your car will prevent gas from evaporating and escaping into the air. (fuel saving devices)
If you have a gas cap that doesn't fit tightly, or you've lost your gas cap, buy a new one to replace it. (fuel saving devices) Contact your mechanic or the car dealer of your make of vehicle to see if they have your particular gas cap in stock or if they can place an order for one to be shipped to you. (fuel saving devices)
When you are driving on the highway you should be using cruise control whenever possible to maintain a steady pace. (fuel saving devices) This will help to increase your fuel consumption.
If you are driving a vehicle that currently has no cruise control it's easy to have installed by your mechanic. (fuel saving devices) Many newer vehicles come with cruise control as a feature and not as a luxury choice for just this reason to save on fuel costs. (fuel saving devices)
When you are traveling on the highway try to use your overdrive gears. (fuel saving devices)
By using your overdrive gears you can improve the fuel consumption in your car during highway type driving. (fuel saving devices) The concept behind overdrive gears is that they decrease your engine speed, saving you on engine wear and gas consumption. (fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
This idea makes the car driving more affordable as now; by using water as fuel one can save up to 20-50% money which is a pretty good deal. (fuel saving devices) This should be commemorated that water alone can’t run the car but it reduces the amount of gas to be used normally; this only tempts drivers to implement this technique also Lower usage of gas causes an increase in Miles per Gallon (MPG). (fuel saving devices) Water confirmed to be more proficient than regular gasoline. As almost 80% of the energy is wasted in the form of heat, vibration and pollution leaving behind mere 20% of the fuel energy for running car while water does not experiences these problems. (fuel saving devices) As a result making the car engine resulting into smooth drive
(fuel saving devices) Another mammoth advantage of hybrid cars is that these are proving to be boon for the environment. This is the main reason behind their invention . (fuel saving devices) As cars with this peculiar technique dramatically reduce CO2 and carbon emissions, which an important feature against the Global is warming. (fuel saving devices) The growing rate of pollution is creating global warming making it the severe problem each and every day , and it's really high time to search for solution about it! (fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
So scientists begin the plan of using water as an alternative of fuel as that would be the best use of the water power and thought that if this bounded power of water could be used as fuel then it would be useful for the absolute human world, (fuel saving devices) these all thoughts resulted into the technique of running car by water as fuel. This fuel is affable for the environment and prevents the atmosphere.(fuel saving devices)
It was proved from ancient times that water is competent of producing energy and this already known fact attracted attentions of all scientists who were busy in trying to unearth an alternative option for fuels from many years. (fuel saving devices) So scientists begin the plan of using water as an alternative of fuel as that would be the best use of the water power and thought that if this bounded power of water could be used as fuel then it would be useful for the absolute human world, these all thoughts resulted into the technique of running car by water as fuel. (fuel saving devices)This fuel is affable for the environment and prevents the atmosphere.(fuel saving devices)
Now, Water takes the place of the fuel of future and can successfully be used as a good alternative of the fuel but for using this latest fuel one should know about its application prior to use. (fuel saving devices) Water is stored in car in small container .In this technique electrolysis converts water into fuel. (fuel saving devices) The battery of the car supplies the required electricity to separate hydrogen from oxygen producing brown’s gas which is inflammable and provides the needed energy for running car.(fuel saving devices)
Many people are still incredulous about this idea, but this is indeed achievable today. (fuel saving devices) All People across the world are applying this technique to run cars with the water hybrid technology. (fuel saving devices) It’s a fabulous idea to run car on water and certainly this leads to loads of benefits. (fuel saving devices) Certainly, it helps to save money against the rising prices of gas. But that's not all - there are many added advantages that most people don't ever even bother about. (fuel saving devices) These all advantages formulate it as a good idea.(fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
They are working hard to put all of the components into place, and are definitely getting closer to their goal in bringing all of the components together, in completing their action list as outlined in the corporate business plan. (fuel saving devices) Communication, education and support are the keys to success in this industry. NanoTech Fuel management is poised and dedicated to the success of everybody involved with the company. (fuel saving devices)
The level of immediate interest and excitement about this product, has been overwhelming and continues to amaze even the most seasoned industry executives. (fuel saving devices) It seems they truly have a winner and as we all know, the world is in desperate need for a REAL and affordable product to bring financial relief at the gas pumps and financial freedom to the marketers bank account. (fuel saving devices)
Most importantly and badly needed, is this quality product and extra income generating business opportunity that any home business can rely on for years to come, (fuel saving devices) and they have an open invitation to anyone that wants to lock arms and make history together. (fuel saving devices) Without a doubt, this is truly a home based business that a lot of online business entrepreneurs have been waiting for. (fuel saving devices) At the present they are in Pre-Launch mode and you can sign up for free as a marketer ahead of the masses and benefit from a very dynamic and lucrative compensation program that promises financial freedom. (fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
Saving energy and protecting the environment, the two biggest problems we all face. And while our environment continues to suffer under the strain of toxic pollutants from vehicle emissions, the price of gasoline and carburant is at an all time high and continue to climb. (fuel saving devices) Our world is desperately searching for answers to solving the two biggest problems we all face: Saving energy and protecting the environment. (fuel saving devices) And while our environment continues to suffer under the strain of toxic pollutants from vehicle emissions, the price of gasoline and carburant is at an all time high and continue to climb. (fuel saving devices)
As a solution to confront both problems at the same time Nano Tech is introducing a work from home business opportunity based on the only multi-functional liquid nanotechnology fuel enhancer on the market with the mission of building a cleaner (fuel saving devices), healthier tomorrow while providing money-saving, practical solutions by conserving our natural resources, positively impacting our environment, improving air quality and reducing harmful pollutants, while creating an online home based business opportunity for any entrepreneur to just earn extra income or to achieve financial freedom.(fuel saving devices)
The product itself is a state of the art called eeFuel and promises based on scientific evidence and multiple tests that when added to fuel (fuel saving devices) – whether it be gasoline , diesel fuel or bio-fuels immediately transforms it into high-performance nanotechnology enhanced fuel to improve fuel economy, increase engine power, reduce harmful emissions and clean combustion chamber deposits (fuel saving devices). It is common to have a measurable amount of water laying at the bottom of the fuel tank of most vehicles on the road today. A question arises, oil and water… do they mix? Conventional science would dictate that it cannot be done, water and oil won't mix. (fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
The one big issue with all these devices is that they are not cheap. (fuel saving devices) Here are two reasons for this, one: the majority of us are not mechanics and therefore we would need some assistance installing these devices on our cars. (fuel saving devices) An additional problem is the fact that with alternative fuels their prices will continue to rise as well as demand increases. These solutions will increase your gas mileage but at a pretty hefty cost.(fuel saving devices)
As gas savers we need to focus on paying less at the pump and not more. (fuel saving devices) There is another alternative that I have not disclosed to you that works great. This device uses water and can be built and installed by practically anyone. Interested in knowing what it is? (fuel saving devices)
First, let me describe how it works. (fuel saving devices) This device uses water that can be purchased at any corner store. The device or kit is known as a hydrogen fuel cell and is installed under the hood of your car. (fuel saving devices) After you have successfully installed the device, you car will now begin to run on both gas and water. (fuel saving devices) The cool thing is that you can do this yourself with the cost of parts running around sixty dollars. Once the device is completely installed you will see a big increase, over thirty percent in most cases, in gas mileage.(fuel saving devices)
With our busy lives, the absolute last thing that should concern us is the price of gas. (fuel saving devices) If you want to take your focus of gas prices for good then installing one of the fuel cell gas mileage devices will solve this problem. (fuel saving devices) As an added bonus , your vehicle will have lower emissions thus protecting the environment. It's a win win situation for both the environment and what you pay for fuel every month.(fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
Interested in saving money on the cost of fuel? With the constant rise in the cost per barrel of oil I think it's safe to say your answer would be yes. (fuel saving devices) With the price of oil rising daily, many are in search of a way to fight back and cut their gas expenses through the use of gas mileage devices. (fuel saving devices) As demand rises for gas, so does the price. If we can only lower the demand, the price will begin to fall.(fuel saving devices)
Interested in saving money on the cost of fuel? With the constant rise in the cost per barrel of oil I think it's safe to say your answer would be yes. (fuel saving devices)With the price of oil rising daily, many are in search of a way to fight back and cut their gas expenses through the use of gas mileage devices. (fuel saving devices) As demand rises for gas, so does the price. If we can only lower the demand, the price will begin to fall.
Now that we understand we have to lower demand, we need to know what gas mileage device is the best and most economical for us to use. (fuel saving devices) There are a couple of these types of devices available and they encompass: air bleeding devices, various fuel additives, alternative fuels, engine modification and fuel line devices.(fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices) He went on to say: The manufacturer manipulated the results, to arrive at a base mileage. It compared results from a short stop-and-go cycle, when more fuel is used, with a 25-minute highway cycle, when less fuel is used. (fuel saving devices)
Many sellers of gas saving devices use a similar deceptive strategy. They claim: "This gas-saving device is approved by the Federal government." (fuel saving devices)
No government agency endorses gas-saving products for cars. (fuel saving devices) The most that can be claimed in advertising is that the EPA has reached certain conclusions about possible gas savings by testing the product or by evaluating the manufacturer's own test data. (fuel saving devices)
If the seller claims that its product has been evaluated by the EPA, ask for a copy of the EPA report, or check the EPA website epa.gov for information. In most instances, false claims of EPA testing or approval have been made.(fuel saving devices)
These are just two of the many deceptive advertising methods used by unscrupulous gas saving device sellers trying to separate a fool and his money. Don't play into their hands. The bottom line is, gas saving devices don't work! (fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)
For those of you looking for a quick fix to your fuel economy problem in light of the continuously rising gas prices, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has some advice: be wary of any gas-saving claims for automotive devices or oil and gas additives. More than 100 gas-saving products have been tested and none of them do what their deceptive advertising claims. (fuel saving devices)
There are a number of deceptive advertising claims that are used by manufacturers and suppliers of these so called gas saving devices. Here are a few to look out for.(fuel saving devices)
One product that was advertised heavily was "Fuel Saver Pro," a device that claims to be "EPA-approved."
(fuel saving devices)The ads read "High gasoline prices at the pump shouldn't scare you. They won't anymore with this new EPA-approved device." They claimed that for $89.95, plus $6.95 shipping and handling, you would realize a 27 percent increase in mileage. (fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices)The fact is the Fuel Saver Pro hasn't been tested by the EPA and isn't EPA-approved. An EPA official has stated: "We've tested more than 100 fuel-saving devices over the last 25 years, most of them magnetic devices that wrapped around fuel lines - as if fuel is magnetic - and we haven't certified any of them because we haven't found one that works. Two devices were marginally beneficial, but were so expensive there wouldn't be any pay back." (fuel saving devices)
fuel saving devices
Due to the ever rising oil price, car fuel saving devices are becoming more and more essential for drivers. Fortunately, such technology exists today and one of them happens to make use of an ever abundant resource, water.(fuel saving devices)
(fuel saving devices): This system makes use of water to supplement gasoline/diesel thus increasing the mileage drivers can achieve with the same amount of petrol. 100% water system might be possible in future but not just yet. The system converts water into HHO or commonly known as Brown gas (fuel saving devices). This gas burns cleanly and produces 3 times more energy compared to regular gasoline, pound to pound. The end product when the gas is burnt is water and oxygen. Hence, the system does not only help drivers economically, but also the environment by reducing emission of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere.(fuel saving devices)
Some tangible benefits drivers can expect from using car fuel saving devices:
1. Increased mileage by up to 100%. Many people who installed the car fuel saving devices testified to an increase of between 30% to 100% in terms of the distance their cars can travel with the same amount of fuel. The variation in percentage is largely dependent on car models. However, if you ask me, even 30% increase can be significant to my pocket in the long run.
2. Smoother ride and boost in engine power. As mentioned Brown gas produces more power than gasoline when burnt hence the boost in power. Also, because it has the ability to remove carbon deposits as well as preventing future carbon build up, it gives the engine smoother operations.(fuel saving devices)
3. Prolonged lifespan of engine parts such as pistons, valves, bearings, etc.(fuel saving devices)
4. For some who have used to the system, they started promoting it to their friends, neighbors and colleagues, helping them to implement car fuel saving devices. The result is a secondary source of income full of potential.
You may think that such car fuel saving devices are going to cost you thousands of dollars. Well, you will be pleased to know that the system can be put together using parts obtainable from your regular neighborhood hardware store. (fuel saving devices)The cost to put it together does not exceed $200. It is easy to install and dismantle the system to the main engine which is not affected in any way. Therefore, drivers can be assured that warranty will remain intact.(fuel saving devices)
By George Tho
(fuel saving devices)
Tests that were carried out by the Environmental Protection Agency on over 100 fuel saving gadgets (fuel saving devices) showed that most of them did nothing to improve fuel mileage, and for the ones that did work, the results were not that great.
The fuel saving devices available come under many different classifications. These include, driving habit modifiers, fuel line devices, mixture enhancers, ignition devices, engine modification devices, fuel and oil additives, vapour bleed devices and air-bleed devices.
The EPA's test were designed to evaluate whether the devices had any significant impact on a vehicle fuel economy. What they could not test for was whether the devices would have any adverse effects on a cars performance over time.(fuel saving devices)
An example of how one of these devices can do harm is in the case of the air bleed device. It is designed to add large amounts of air to the engine via the carburettor. Now this could likely cause misfireing which can damage the engine, especially on vehicles manufactured from 1974 -82, because the carburettors are factory set for a maximum air to fuel mix. And this device is unlikely to even work on post 1982 vehicles due to their carburettor having an automatic air fuel adjustment which effectively make the device useless.(fuel saving devices)
Many ads feature glowing testimonials by satisfied customers. There are too many variables that affect fuel consumption, such as traffic, road and weather conditions, the car's condition and overall maintenance, and the driving habits of the owner.(fuel saving devices)
There is a case of a consumer giving a glowing testimonial of a fuel saving devices in a letter that was written to the manufacturer. But one piece of information that was ommitted was the fact that the vehicle had also been serviced when the device was installed.
Some advertisers claim that the gas-saving devices is approved by the Federal government. No government agency endorses gas-saving products for cars. The seller can only state that the item has been tested by the EPA. If the advertiser claims that the product has been tested by the EPA ask to see the results or contact the EPA directly.
If you have already purchased a gas-saving product and you are not satisfied, contact the manufacturer and ask for a refund. An honest company offers a money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the company's response, contact your local or state consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau.
Regular maintenance and servicing is one of the best way to ensure that your vehicle is running at it's maximum fuel efficiency. You can find out service intervals by looking in the vehicle manual.(fuel saving devices)
Below are my three tips to improving a vehicles fuel efficiency:(fuel saving devices)
Get an engine tune-up.
Checking your vehicle's tire pressures.
Removing any excess weight from the car's trunk.