( fuel saving devices)
1. It can vary from shipment to shipment
Even if you use the same vendor each time you fill up with diesel, there can be changes in the fuel they are providing. The diesel quality can change, even in a small way, with each shipment your vendor receives. The key variables are:
* Cetane: this is the level at which the fuel will self ignite, with acceptable levels being between 40 and 45. Because the levels can change with every delivery, the are not widely known. The starting and combustion roughness of your engin can be affected by the cetane level.
* The specific gravity or 'weight' of the diesel affects the fuel's heat content. Lighter fuels (Type 1) have a lower cloud point and is generally regarded as better in colder temperatures. The heavier diesel (Type 2) has good lubricating qualities, and if they are both the same price, the heavier fuel generally gives better fuel economy.
* The viscosity of the fuel governs the efficiency at which fuel travels through the high pressure parts of the injection pump. Type 1 will reduce your fuel economy because it tends to have more fuel leakage.
Purchasing your diesel from truck stops is generally regarded as the best way to ensure you are buying a quality product. These retailers would go out of business fast if they began to supply inferior fuel.
( fuel saving devices)