another product for your fuel saving devices:
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another product for your fuel saving devices:
Detailed Selling Lead Description
works by adding a small amount of a mixed hydrogen/oxygen gas, called "BrownsGas", into the vehicles fuel system. This enriched mixture of hydrogen, oxygen and gasoline is bonded together molecularly and magnetically.The combined fuel results in better fuel economy and an increase in kilometres per liter. Usually this increase is in the range of 20%-100%.
Improved mileage is not the only benefit resulting from use of the H2OCAR Kit.Other benefits may include:
1. A noticeable increase in engine power. Less pressure is needed on the accelerator pedal, to get the vehicle up to speed.2.The new fuel mixture burns cleaner, burns more completely and burns more efficiently. It cleans up carbon deposits in the engine and prevents future carbon build up.
3. Exhaust emissions harmful to the enviroment are greatly reduced.
4. The combustions chamber temperature drops slightly, contributing to better fuel combustion and a quicker flame spread ratio.
TheH2OCAR Kit uses electricity to separate the hydrogen and oxygen found in water. The separated hydrogen and oxygen are mixed with gasoline and outside air.
The "mixed" gas is drawn into the engine using vaccumpressure or air pressure, in the case of a diesel application, where itis mixed the gasoline or diesel fuel and ignited by the spark plugs.
This gas differs substantially from ordinary hydrogen gas.
This has been documented in a recet US Patent Application Nbr.(13.4.2006) by D.J.Klein & R.M.Santilli.This process will make about 1866 liter of hydrogen/oxygen gas from 1 liter of water.
Mixing this gas is very simple, effective and safe process.It makes previous concerns about safety all but irrelevant.
We are confident that the introduction of systems of this type, will advance the cause of energy dependence.The H2OCAR Fuel Saving Device makes "hydrogen-on-demand and "hydrogen-on-board" systems practical right now.Please note that you cannot obtain a patent for this device, or for anothersimilar device, as all information concerning it's construction andprincipals of operation are currently in Public Domain and have been published in forums on Internet.
However, when using hydrogen, common sense requires the same precautions be taken, that one would use withe gasoline!