Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Kiwi Fuel Saving Devices

Fuel Saving Devices

Kiwi Fuel Saving Device is different with the previous fuel saver, it can do much more tasks which stated below:

  • Monitors your driving and helps you save fuel and money
  • “Drive Green” mode shows how to maximize fuel economy
  • Can improve your MPG by up to 33%
  • Checks for Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs), clears the codes, and can turn off the “Check Engine” light
  • Displays instant and average MPG values, dollar amount of gas used and saved, and can scan 26 different engine parameters in real time
  • Compatible with all 1996 & newer vehicles including: gas, diesel, ethanol, CNG, E85 & hybrid
  • Dimensions: 3.4″ x 0.5″ x 2.2″

more at hardwaresphere.com

Fuel Saving Devices

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